Friday, June 3, 2011

Sharing my turtles

On the last monday of school I shared my turtle blog to my class.

I also brought my turtles to school. They loved it!

Three of the boys freaked out when I showed them my turtles.
But the rest of the class loved it!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Waiting For Sunshine to Lay Eggs

Sunshine and Tommy are mating but sunshine has not layed her eggs

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Box Turtle Diet

Today I fed the turtles two big juicy worms.(EWW!) ): If you want to observe
your turtle eat the worm you have to be quiet. Then as soon as you know it
the worm will be gone.

This is Sunshine aftrer she ate a worm.

This is Tommy after he ate a worm.

Little Ones With Box Turtles

If you have a toddler in the famliy you have to be carefull. Keep the turtle
habitat out of toddler reach. Because...... Turtle + Toddler + No adult super-
Vision = Dead turtle. ): If you take care of your turtles they can live up to
40 years old. Make sure you are watching your toddler when they are
petting the turtles.
My sister Phoebe petting Sunshine.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Improving Their Habitat

We started out a few weeks ago cleaning out the turtle habitat. We got most of the leaves out and put some more soil in. I planted two strawberry plants and two pumpkin plants. I picked strawberry plants because they like to eat strawberries and the leaves will produce shade also insects like strawberries too. They can eat the insects! The other plants are Russian sage and a Butterfly Bush.

This is me planting strawberry plants.(:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Starting My Turtle Blog

This is Sunshine. She is an Eastern Box Turtle. We know that she is a female turtle because if turn her upside down the bottom of her shell is flat. Tommy's shell is concave, that is why he is a boy box turtle.